Catalog Id S01006
Family Acanthaceae
Species Acanthus ebracteatus
Local Name Jerujok (Br.)
Collector Hanyrol Hanyzan Ahmadsah
Collector Number HHA-2
Colection Date 4-Apr-2007
Country Brunei
District Muara
Location Kg Tamoi, Bandar Seri Begawan, near mangrove close to Arabic schoo, Jalan Tutong
Latitude 4.88435
Longitude 114.935
Altitude 5
Vegetation Type Secondary forest, behind mangrove forest
Habitat Disturbed forest, shady area
Plant Information Tree height 2m, stem woody & bark smooth. Fruits green, with 4 locules & obovate. 4 remains of sepals. Opposite leaves, elliptic & smooth margin

Location of Acanthus ebracteatus